I'm starting to blog....

It’s Tuesday and I may have just lost my mind. I should have recognized the signs when I found a groupon for land on Mars and sent to my family. My husband was concerned we were diversifying our real estate portfolio too much since we already had land on the moon.

For those who I have yet to meet, I’m Nancy. I genuinely speak what I think which is good in my profession as an interior designer… but now I have a keyboard and my thoughts. Danger Will Robinson!!

So why start blogging?? (Honestly the word makes me nauseous..a bit like writing a term paper or senior thesis) .. Because sometimes in your life you just have to put yourself out there to remind yourself what you’re made of.

In just a few short weeks, I will be participating in a challenge that I hope will bring you insight into a designer’s world with the MOST DIFFICULT client…me. I will be sharing my journey weekly with thoughts (oh dang), tips, and hopefully all successes!

I hope you will come along with me and at least be entertained. So get fancy, grab a cocktail and meet me here October 8! PORTFOLIO UP!

nancy Parrish